Waar? Bowling Stones Wemmel, Brusselsesteenweg 397, 1780 Wemmel
Wanneer? 14.11.2020 tot 14.11.2020
Scientific Programme
08:30 - 08:50: Registration with breakfast
08:55 - 09:00: Welcome (Prof. Dr. J. Guthermuth, UZ Brussel)
Session 1: 09:00 - 11:25
What's new?
Chairs: Dr. K. De Boulle, Dr. S. Baharlou
09:00 - 09:35: What's new in microneedling radiofrequency? (Dr. C. Dierckxsens, Brussel)
09:35 - 10:10: What's new in laser epilation and body sculpting? (Dr. G. Biesemans, UZ Leuven)
10:10 - 10:45: Filling of facial fat pads: what's the most natural way of volumizing the face? (Dr. P. Velthuis, Nootdorp (Nl))
10:45 - 11:25: Coffee break and industry exhibition
Session 2: 11:25 - 13:00
Aesthetics and Covid-19
Chairs: Dr. C. Dierckxsens, Dr. G. Biesemans
11:25 - 12:00: Full layer treatment using tissular induction (Dr. M. Gianfermi, Paris (F))
12:00 - 12:30: Filler complications: 2020 edition (Dr. K. De Boulle, Aalst)
12:30 - 13:00: Esthetic surgical procedures in the outpatient setting: how far can you go with local anesthesia (Dr. M. Büttner, MKA UZ Brussel)
12:50: Summary (Dr. S. Baharlou, Dermatologie UZ Brussel)
13:00: Lunch
Bowling Stones Wemmel
Brusselsesteenweg 397
1780 Wemmel
Because of the COVID-19-restrictions places are limited. Preregistration is necessary. Please send an e-mail to the organization office.
Organization office
Mrs. Carine Vleminckx
Department of Dermatology
UZ Brussels
Laarbeeklaan 101
B-1090 Brussels
E-mail: carine.vleminckx@uzbrussel.be
Accreditation number: 20012158