Waar? VUB campus Jette, Auditorium Brouwer
Wanneer? 16.11.2019 tot 16.11.2019
09:00-09:25: Safe treatment for xanthelasma (Prof. Dr. B. Richert, CHU Brugmann)
09:25-10:00: The Tipping Point ApproachTM: An effective, easy, 5 step full face treatment strategy with injectables (Prof. Dr. H. van den Elzen, Naarden-Vesting, NL)
10:00-10:25: Complications with Body art: Piercings, Tattoos and Permanent Make-Up (Dr. C. De Cuyper, Brugge)
11:00-11:30: Are hormones the holy anti-aging grail? (Prof. Dr. Brigitte Velkeniers, UZ Brussel)
11:30-11:50: Update Striae distensae (Prof. Dr. M. Hamdi, UZ Brussel)
11:50-12:15: Exercise and impact on aging (Prof. Dr. Y. Bautmans, VUB)
12:15-12:50: What's new in laser epilation and body sculpting (Dr. G. Biesemans, UZ Leuven)
12:50: Summary (Prof. Dr. J. Gutermuth, UZ Brussel)
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